Theology and Culture
5 years ago

E24 5 Lessons from the Infancy Narratives

5 Lessons From the Infancy Narratives

Happy Epiphany! I hope you had a wonderful 12 Days of Christmas and are continuing the celebration of the Infant Jesus during this week of Epiphany. In today's episode, I draw on Benedict XVI's "Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives" to talk about 5 lessons from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke on 1) the Annunciation of John the Baptist; 2) the Annunciation of Jesus; 3) the nativity scene; 4) the visit of the Magi; and 5) the Logos.

I also briefly talk about some expansion plans for 2020 and ask you to pray for (and with) me as I discern the path ahead.

Also, during Lent we will be doing a multi-part book club on Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week. Get your copy now (or reserve it at the library) to read along!

We'd love to hear what you think of this episode!

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