Theology and Culture
1 year ago

Fiducia Supplicans: An Exercise in "Knavish Imbecility" with Larry Chapp

My conversation with Dr. Larry Chapp today discusses the recent teaching edict of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith: Fiducia Supplicans. The document attempts to clarify the pastoral meaning of blessings, particularly in relation to "irregular unions," but falls short on several fronts. We discuss some of our issues with the document, including theological incoherence, the invention of straw man positions, and the potential for misinterpretation. We also explore the implications of divorcing pastoral practice from truth, and the need for love to be grounded in truth.

Included in the discussion: clericalism, masked homophobia, incrementalism and the law of gradualism, responses from bishops conferences around the world, synodality and non-synodal approaches, comparisons to Humanae Vitae (ha!), the subseuqent press release, the endurance of the Church, support for LGBT Catholics, and much more.

Episode Links: Fiducia Supplicans The subsequent press release The Pillar's rollup of reactions Eden Invitation


00:00 Introduction 00:49 What is Fiducia Supplicans? 02:09 Authority of the Document 05:24 Perceptions and Reactions 08:19 Invention of a Middle Position 10:08 Theological Incoherence 11:34 Blessing Individuals vs. Relationships 13:02 Train Wreck of Pastoral Approach 14:28 Spin and Misinterpretation 15:28 Pastoral Disaster 20:21 Theology of Blessings 21:42 Tenuous Foundations 22:17 Solution in Search of a Problem 23:15 Incoherence and Contradictions 26:04 Masked Homophobia 27:33 Divorcing Pastoral Practice from Truth 31:16 Theological Stupidity 35:43 Ecclesiastical Free-for-All 38:26 Divorcing Love from Truth 40:54 The Church as an Idol 44:04 Incrementalism and the Law of Gradualism 45:00 Responses from Bishops Conferences 46:50 Synodality and Non-Synodal Approaches 50:13 Comparisons to Humanae Vitae 52:46 The Press Release and African Bishops 57:43 Racism and Synodality 58:06 The Church's Endurance and Hillaire Belloc 58:19 Support for LGBT Catholics 01:01:28 Pope Francis and Pastoral Mistakes 01:03:06 Proclaiming the Truth